Tuesday, November 4, 2014

#BookBlogWriMo Day 4:
Why do you blog?

I started this blog as a way to be able to help author's who needed covers revealed and author's that have a new book being released.
So far it has been a very simple blog, I get the info and post it. Well, ok, sometimes I have to put together the posts and that can be time consuming, but everyone starts somewhere. 
As time goes on I am planning on adding the reviews of books I have read to the blog, with a rating system as well. 
I read A LOT, some I buy, some are ARC's and others are gifted review copies. And when I say A LOT, that means 5-10 books a week. Sometimes I read 3 books in a day. That is what happens when you have insomnia, reading gets done and reviews get posted. 

That is it really, kinda of boring, I know, which is surprising because I am one of the least boring people I know. I promise I will get better! 


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